Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Scarlet Website

Though my web designer, Joseph Fargnoli has been showing me the site so that I could edit it and make a few minor changes, it is now up for the world to look at. Google hasn't yet caught up to it which means one can't google me and have the website come to the forefront of all the little google tidbits, which are there about me and my other namesakes. However for those who happen to stub their toe on this blog in the dark corner of the blogosphere, here is the other dark corner where my website exists: . Come one, come all, revel in the red of it, and read a few poems.

One last word before signing off. I would like very much to thank Joseph who has done a magnificent job and created exactly what I wanted, a simple website without a lot of bells and whistles which allows people to learn something about me and more importantly about my work. I highly recommend this gentleman.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My First Entry

Although for the most part I hope to be blogging about poetry, my aesthetics and that of others, I will from time to time digress. Today as my introductory entry, I am happy to announce in this blog the recent publication my my first book length collection The Kingdom of Possibilities (Mayapple Press) which may be perused and purchased at or at where for the moment my small success in the poetry world begins and ends.